Africa Investment Group Limited [AIG]
Advising AIG, a multinational company [with offices in several countries including Switzerland, Seychelles and Mauritius] in its farm in-put trade transactions with local businesses. AIG trades big volumes of agriculture inputs [such as fertilizers and allied products] with major agriculture-related companies in Malawi including ADMARC, Auction Holdings Limited and Agriculture Trading Company Limited. Litigation services in disputes, specifically debt collection, against a local agriculture company, ADMARC, arising out of the supply of fertilizer by AIG worth over US$1.8 million.
Techno-Brain Limited and Crown Agents Limited
Advising these two multinational companies in a dispute concerning application and execution of contract for installation and commissioning of a tax administration system with Malawi Revenue Authority. With value of dispute being in excess of USD 13 million.
Zambia Cooperative Federation
Advised on a trade dispute and handled the arbitration and later litigation proceedings that ensued on a transaction involving the collection of a debt of over USD 1.5 million.
FDH Financial Holdings Limited
Rendering transactional, advisory and dispute settlement services since 2015. These services include bank loans, debt collection, insolvency proceedings, realization of securities, forex transactions, securities trading, real estate, employment and labour, contracts and regulatory compliance.
Liberty Insurance Company Limited
Litigation and arbitration services bordering on execution and actualization of insurance policies. Dealing with employment and labour and employment law issues.
MyBucks Banking Corporation Limited
Providing traditional banking, finance and fintech-related services of an external lawyer in transactional, advisory and dispute settlement instructions since 2017. Lujeri Tea Estates Limited [LTE]: Advising on syndication/amalgamation of loan facilities that LTE had with three of the biggest banks in Malawi [National Bank of Malawi Plc, Standard Bank Plc and First Capital Bank Plc] by way of security agency agreement.
Admike Import and Export [AIE]
Representing AIE in its debt recovery claim against ADMARC for the sum of around USD 2.3 million.
Project Building Contractors
Advising on financial consequences of breach of contract couched in United States Dollars yet executed/performed in Malawi; advising on the foreign exchange issues arising and litigating to remedy harm suffered by Project Building Contractors to the value of USD 500 000.
OG Plastic Industries [2008] Limited
Enforcing arbitration agreement against a former Managing Director who had fraudulently converted finances in the sum of over USD 1.5 million to his own use.
NBS Bank Plc
Advising NBS on regulatory compliance in the United States of America with USA PATRIOTIC Act and facilitating seamless appointment and collaboration with process agents in the USA.
Malawi Fertilizer Company Limited [MFC]
Drafting and advising on construction and financing contracts between MFC [Employer] and SR Nicholas Limited [the Contractor] and a project engineer for a fertilizer loading bay in Liwonde in Malawi with a total value of over USD 6 million.
Meridian Group of Companies [MGC] [Malawi]
Advising subsidiaries of MGC in Malawi including but not limited to Farmers World Limited, Demeter Seed Limited, Grain Securities Limited and Agora Limited on all their corporate and commercial activities since 2017.
MBL Holdings Limited
Representing the holding company and all its subsidiaries including but not limited Mulli Brothers Limited, Celcom Limited, National Bus Company Limited, Smallholder Tea Company Limited, Chitakale Plantations Limited, Chombe Foods Limited, Ecosave Limited, Web Commercial Limited, Chikale Tea Estates Limited, Zoa Estate Limited, Exclusive Garments Limited, Flatland Timbers Limited and Chombe Foods Limited on all their corporate finance and banking law transactions.
Transglobe Produce Exports Limited [TPE]
Advising on banking and finance transactions of TPE together with its subsidiaries/associated companies including but not limited to Tayub Corporation Limited, Afri-Brands Limited, Tayub’s Furniture and Mbabzi Estates Limited on off-shore borrowing, local loans structuring and venture equity finance.
Export Trading Group Limited [ETG]
Providing regulatory compliance advice foreign remittances, on tax implications of disinvestments or transfer of shares in Malawi and advising on labour and employment law issues for ETG and its subsidiaries in Malawi.
Petroleum Importers Limited [PIL]
Representing PIL in a market share dispute with Malawi Government wanting to give preferential treatment to a state enterprise, National Oil Company Limited.
CIC Insurance Group Limited
Advising CIC Group and performing Company Secretarial duties. CIC Group is an insurance and investment group that operates mainly in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, and Malawi. The group has a network of branches and operational subsidiaries spread across 4 countries.
Umodzi Cane Growers Association
Rendering transactional, advisory, and dispute settlement services to the Association.
Chibuku Products Limited
Rendering transactional, advisory, and dispute settlement services. These services include intellectual property, employment, debt collection, workman’s compensation, and regulatory compliance. Represented the Client in a cross-border Trademark dispute with another company with a similar Trademark. Also involved in litigating the said matter with an estimated value of USD10,000,000.00.
Plastic Extrusion & Moulding Limited
Rendering dispute settlement and debt collection services.
Blue Deebaj FZ Company and Africa Fertilizers Ltd
Litigation services over contractual disputes.
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